Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Amazing Abras Family

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you would know that I spent my first shabbat with my friend, Natenel's family. Let me tell you - they are some of the sweetest, kindest, and most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Natenel has 5 other siblings: 4 sisters and 1 brother. His youngest sister, Moria, and her husband (both 23) picked me up from my apartment and took me to his parents place. Right from the start they were very friendly, asking me how i'm doing, what am i doing, ect ect.

Moria is pregrant with her first child, and is due in a month! As i mentioned before, I had met Natenel's parents a month or so ago, so they greeted me with hugs and kisses on the cheek. It was very nice to be in a loving and warm enviornment. I also met Natenel's younger brother (27) who is very much like Natenel is many ways, but squirrlier and a bit of a rable-rouser. He cannot seem to sit still! haha.

From this point onwards, there isn't too much to say, simply because Shabbat is a day of rest. Here is what we did:

1. eat
2. sleep
3. go to temple
4. eat
5. talk
6. eat
7. sleep
8. get yelled at for not eating enough
9. EAT!

hahah! Jews definitely knowhow to relax! It was wonderful. I have to say, unplugging yourself from the world for 25 hours is really something. no staring into the computer, no checking constant emails - just great food, good company, and 100% pure, guilt free REST! I dare you all to try it! ;-)

After shabbat ended and we said the closing prayers, Natenel's parents and his brother took me to this street called 'Mamilla' in city center and the Kotel (the Wall). Mamilla is almost the exact equivalent of 'Santana Row' - just not *quite* as stuck up. But it's a lot of American shops (Gap, Billabong, NorthFace, MAC) with some pricey Israeli boutiques also. Not a good place to go shopping (unless you are loaded) but pleasant to walk around. We also walked to the Kotel (about 5 min) and took about 15 min to pray. You know - it's still pretty unbelievable to me that the holiest place on Earth (especially for Jews) is so close to me!! I can go there when ever I want!!! I don't know what I will be saying in 10 months, but right now, it's not something that I am capable of taking for granted. It's just too big of a priviledge!

** Let me take a moment to say - that when my parents come - if you want to send them with notes to the wall or anything like that, please feel free to do so. I am more than happy to put them in the wall! seriously! **

In the end, I was dropped off at my apt with a bag of food, a BOX full of dishes/silverware, and more hugs and kisses!!!! If I'm not one of the luckiest girls, I don't know who is!

Speaking of silverware - I guess I should mention (since this is a blog and I'm supposed to tell you everything) - I decided that I am going to try to keep a kosher kitchen. *this is where my parents start to freak out that i am becoming one of 'those jews'!!!* ;-) But really, all this means is that I will have seperate stuff for meat and dairy - that's it! It really can't be that bad. I already don't mix meat and dairy so this isn't too big of a leap. Don't worry people, I am NOT wearing a wig, covering the entirety of my body, or running to the wall to marry a Chassid! haha. I promise. I just want people who keep kosher to feel comfortable in my home. No biggie :)

Okay, I leave you all on that note, so that you can freak out and get it out of your systems now. I'll most likely be back sometime tomorrow withmore news and updates.

Hope things are going well and that everyone is enjoying the weekend!
Love from the Holy Land!

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