Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Start in a New Decade!


Hard to believe that it is already 2010! I figured we would have been zipping around in space-pods by now and taking lunar vacation (Maybe next year?). I hope everyone had a wonderful NYE celebration. I ended up meeting the new decade with my program director (Tamar) and some IGF alumni. It was actually pretty good. Nothing too crazy, and no, I didn't get completely wasted. But, I was with good people and 10 minutes walking from my apartment - what more could you want?! ;-)

Well - I have some great big news!

........It has to do with work.......

...................I have a new job..............
**drum roll please**

That's right ladies and gentlemen - I am finally in an environment which is condusive to hard work but is still pleasant and enjoyable! I am in the company of very intelligent and diligent individuals! I am already improving my Russian language skills. And to top it all off - LUNCH IS PAID FOR!!!! Holy crap, I think I just died and went to (unpaid) work heaven! hahaha. To put it bluntly - I'm thrilled! This should be good and will hopefully prove to be a really great and meaningful experience.

As far as the MOT (ministry of timewasting...i mean tourism) is concerned, I am going to go in tomorrow for a little bit to tie up any loose ends, grab any remaining items, and say goodbye to Noga. Tamar is going to try and find a different option for me in another government position, but to be honest, I've kind of lost faith in the government and would rather just enjoy MEMRI to the fullest. We'll see how it goes.

In any case - 2010 seems to be off to a very good start! :-D

On that note, I am off to have a drink!
Happy New Years everyone!
<3 Love <3


  1. Let's hope that the goverment does not catch up with you, but I'm sure you'll find the way out.
    Very happy for you (that's what I've been telling Fanya - my kids are not quiters).


  2. MEMRI rocks. good luck!

  3. Nu i sheki, az glaz ne vidno - Kitaets-Marus'ka

  4. haha dad! i know!!! i suppose I have you to thank for that! :-P
