Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tel Aviv 10k Night Run – First completed race of my life!

Who can believe it! I, Bella Shapiro, a girl who generally hates running, prefers eating, and has never participated in any kind of communal athletic challenge – successfully completed a 10km (6 mile) race in Tel Aviv, Israel ----- AND IT WAS GREAT!!! The whole process of getting to Tel Aviv on Friday (before Shabbat), picking up my Nike jersey, finding a place to stay – that was all a big balagan (mess). However, as always, everything worked out just fine and some hours before the race, I met up with the people that I was also running with: Noah (my pseudo-coach and fellow IGF’er), Daniela (girl from Venezuela and fellow IGF’er), Gahl (who showed up right before the race started), Matan (Gahl’s cousin) and Becca (Matan’s gf). It was the 6 of us, and as we were walking up to Rabin square (where the race started) you could feel the wave of energy , excitement, and anxiousness in the square. It was a sea of red – everywhere you looked, all you could see is people, thousands of people, in red jerseys! There was music, people stretching, the crowd gathering along the sides of the course. The atmosphere was fully charged.

The cool thing about this particular race is that is it part of a global even t called the ‘Nike Human Race’. Essentially, people all over the world start the race at exactly the same moment (even though the time may actually be different). So people in Los Angeles, Brazil, Ireland, Prague (etc) all started running at exactly the same time! Pretty cool right? When you think about it, it really makes you feel like you’re participating in something big. I will point out that, at least in my vicinity, there were really no other females. Daniela and I were fairly close to the front of the line, so that might have had something to do with it, but it was definitely a bit intimidating. In general I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on and how the hell I managed to sign myself up for this crazy thing in the first place haha.

Eventually the countdown began and Daniela and I were stuck in the middle of the red ocean. There was live ‘pump-up’ music, people were jumping up and down to keep their legs warm, some were clapping and cheering, others were quiet and meditative. Before I knew it, the bell had rung, the crowd started shifting, and somehow my legs just started moving. I began running, and as my legs were moving, I was trying to comprehend everything around me. I keep saying ‘my legs were moving’ because I honestly didn’t feel like my mind took part in what my legs were doing. The bottom half of my body was functioning completely independently from the rest of me. It's really hard to describe the feeling, but the best way I can put it- is it felt like a video game. someone was in moving me around a track and i was just following directions. pretty wild.

so i was running at my usual pace (maybe even a bit slower) and when i hit the 4k mark I was really surprised at how good i felt. i wasn't tired, i wasn't feeling any pain, and couldn't believe that i was almost half way through the entire thing. i was running with Gahl and Daniela which was cool. Gahl was cracking jokes, Daniela was in the zone, and I was somewhere in between. For me, what really helped, is that there was a DJ playing music at every kilometer. So, it was motivating and kept my energy level up. As soon as i would hear music, I knew i was one step closer to reaching the finish line and often i would clap, yell, or sing along to the music! (actually, i think i run a lot better when i have a beat to breath/move to).
In any case, by 7km point, i realized that I really could be running much faster, actually pushing myself (not just running at my slow comfortable pace) and ended up leaving Daniela and Gahl.

Well - I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face and couldn't help but let out a little cheer of victory. Again, it was all pretty surreal, and I couldn't believe that I actually completed a race. Even though my left knee was hurting a bi and I was pretty smelly/sweaty - i felt great! Eventually we all met up, took some pictures, and went to the big lawn where there were various stages with dj's, free popsicles (i ate 2!!), more water, and some people were even passing out nutrition bars. The craziest thing, is that we totally started dancing our asses off and jumpint around to the music after the race!!! You'd think that we would just be collapsing on the ground with exhausting - but it is incredible how much energy and adrenaline is pumping through your system. it wasn't until my body started cooling down and we were waiting for a taxi that i actually got tired, quiet, and wanted to just go home and sleep.

After grabbing some (nasty) fellafel, we finally got on a bus back to Jerusalem and was in bed by around 2:00. Needless to say, being at work the next day at 7:30am was painful and my co-worker told me i looked tired. HA! thanks :-P

did i like it? surprisingly - yes
is it worth trying? absolutely!
would I do it again? hell yes!!!

without sounding conceited, i'm relatively proud of myself (it honestly wasn't THAT challenging but still - my biggest athletic achievement). I'm still debating about the 1/2 marathon. I would like to do it - the only thing that's kind of making me second guess is the rain. it has officially started raining here in jerusalem, and it's just such a cold wet pain in the ass to train in such weather. ich. we'll see. regardless, i really should/need to keep to running - otherwise I will just turn into one big fellafel! :-P

we'll see :)

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