Friday, November 20, 2009

The End of the Honeymoon

Shalom All,

I don't actually have anything interested to report at all. I was sick all of last week (which really sucked). Work has slowed down significantly (which also kind of sucks). The weather is getting shitty - wet, windy, and *really* cold (which as you can guess --- ALSO really sucks). So the fact of the matter is that the first two months of being in Israel, what I officially am calling the honeymoon period, are quickly coming to a close. The problem of moving to a foreign country for a while - is that you have to start from scratch. Now that my life has slowed down and i'm not running around Israel like a chicken with its head cut off - I am beginning to feel the impact of not having *any* familiar comforts. No friends, to immediate family, no language, no sense of community, and everything is foreign. It's really hard. I'm starting to miss home alot which makes it hard to stay positive. I'm not miserable, crying every night or anything like that - but I do feel sorry for myself (since nobody else is around to do it for me). The truth is, that I really shouldn't be complaining. I do have some family in Ashdod, I am lucky enough to have Netanel's parents (who brought me food when I was sick), I have my own apartment, and there is always the IGF staff in case things get really bad. And yet, I still feel lonely. It's a shame that the social norms of kindergarten stop applying once you get older. I would love, more than anything, to be able to come up to a decent looking person in the street, and ask if they would want to be my friend. How much more honest and simple can you get?! Unfortunately, that's not how 23 year olds are expected to make friends. Ugh! All this stuff is to be expected, and I'm sure that sooner or later it will pass, but right now it just kind of sucks.
That is why everyone who is reading this blog right now - should totally come visit me in Israel! Yes - I think that is a brilliant solution. I can't exactly show you around since I don't know the city myself, and I don't really have any food in the house -- BUT -- you should totally come anyways!!! haha. That's my brilliant proposition. So, just send me the dates of your arrivals and we'll figure things out from there! haha.
Anymoo - that's the latest and (not so)greatest news from me. I know it's kind of a bummer. Hopefully thing will start turning up sooner rather than later.
Love and miss everyone!


  1. Aww poor Bella. Who says that 23 year olds have to make friends in any prescribed manner? If you see someone whom you think looks interesting, strike up a conversation with them. You might just find your new bff. You should try to hang out with some people you like at work and then you'll meet their friends and their friends and their friends and the next thing you know you won't have any time for anything other than friends. <3

  2. Bella,
    I just saw your blog for the first time.
    You're an amazingly honest and open blogger :)
    Kudos for writing such a cool blog!
    keep your head up in IL :)
