Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My First 'WTF?!' Momment in Israel

That's right ladies and gentlemen --- I *officially* had my first 'WTF!?' momment yesterday night! A 'WTF' momment is when you wake up one day, not knowing where you are, how you got here, or why you are here in the first place. I knew I was going to have one of these sooner or late, and yesterday was it.

It was around 5:30pm and I was at the bus stop waiting for the number 13 bus. It is pitch black outside, raining, cold and miserable. I was on my way to the Begin Center because we started up with the Ulpan classes again. As I'm standing, the 'wtf' slowly starts creeping up on me. I realized that I couldn't sit and wait for the bus, because the bench is completely soaked. I also realized that I was literally *waiting for a bus* in the freezing rain, hoping that it would actually come on time so that I don't get entirely drenched. Luckily enough, the bus came quickly and I scrambled on and grabbed a seat facing the front. I like to sit in a seat which faces the front because that way I can see the road and can recognize the stop I need to get off at. However, this did me no good seeing as how the windows were so fogged up, i could have just as well been standing on my head blind-folded. By this time, I am also beginning to sweat because its so stuffy in the bus. I try taking my scarf off...but it's still cold. I finally get off the bus and have to walk a good 7 minutes to the Begin Center. And THAT'S when the WTF really hits me!

Where the hell was I?! Jerusalem?!? What the hell is wrong with me? Have I nothing better to do than freez my ass of in a crazy country full of crazy jews?!? Where the hell is my car with the amazing heated seats? How do people live like this?! Who the hell wants to be a zionist in this kind of weather anyways?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?! hahahaha.

Yup! That's literally what was going through my head. I really just started laughing in the middle of the street because the whole thing was just so ridiculous. Don't misunderstand me - it wasn't a bad feeling. It's just an amazing reality check that kind of sneaks up on you. This was one of the first times I ever understood *just how truly* spoiled I was back home. I don't have heavy rain-boots becase I've NEVER had to walk extensively in the rain as a motive of transportation! My ability to get from one place to another never required me to consider the amount of time I would have to wait outside in the rain. If I ever decided not to go somewhere back home, it was because I was lazy - NOT because it would was a *serious* endeavor! Amazing right?!?!

Needless to say, I was humbled and totally stunned by all of this. Looks like I'm going to have to toughen up if I want to survive in the Holy City. I think this is definitely one of the reasons why people are so encouraged to live abroad. Because it really is a challenge. Everything: getting cash out of the ATM, using Microsoft Word, figuring out what is body wash and what is shampoo, checking your bills - these are all activities which I have *literally* had to re-learn (or am in the process of figuring out). It's a crazy learning process which is occasionally supplemented by 'WTF' momments ;-D

It's all good stuff though and I'm sure I will get used to things soon enough. (I guess I don't really have a choice right) ;) We'll see how many more momments like this I will have. Life here is a genuine adventures and I wouldn't have it any other way.



  1. You're an amazing person for putting this all in such a positive. I'm really, really proud of you (not that it's my business to be proud of you, but it's how I feel). And whenever I'm having a WTF moment I'll just picture you standing on your head, blindfolded. That oughta put it in perspective!

  2. Bella, my dear girl, why don't you imagine now that instead of waiting for a bus for few minutes you'd have to ski for an hour in the f-g woods with -15C to get to school?
    Warm car sits... my ass

