Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Day of Work!


So today was a great day and I have a really good feeling about my future experience in this ministry. Noga picked me up this morning with her daughter in the back seat. We dropped her daughter off at school (really sweet girl) and then drove over to the ministry. On the way Noga was explaining to me the different neighborhoods, giving me tips on where various stores/pharmacies. We parked in the garage and I officially entered the building in which the ministry of tourism is!!! haha. I know it sounds silly but I definitely had this distinct momment of realization - if anybody had told me a year ago that I would be working at the israeli ministry of tourism - i would have laughed my ass off...and yet, here I was, entering the building, passing the security check, and making my way up to my new office!!!! CRAZY RIGHT?!

So the ministry of tourism is in this big building in which the 4-6 floors are solely devoted to the MOT (ministry of tourism). The ministry itself is broken up into various sectors: financial, strategy, public relations, planning and development, domestic/overseas tourism, ect. I am working within the marketing devlopment and new medias department. Basically these two sections (which apparently have now been fused into one) deal with creating all the content for both abroad and domestic tourism needs. Everything from pamphlets, website content, gifts for visiting guests, promotional movies, ect. In other words - marketing Israel as a viable tourist destination!

After putting our stuff down, Noga proceeded to introduce me to everyone in the office. Needless to say, I don't remember anybodys name and the cubicles do not have labels (SO israeli). However, everyone was very nice and welcoming. Every person I met wished me luck, asked if I speak Hebrew, and offered their help in case I ever need anything! So far the atmosphere and attitude feels great. Nobody was in jeans (surpringly enough) and there seem to be some really great people working within the ministry. In fact, there is another girl who is kind of like an intern (except I think she gets paid) - and she is super nice! Hopefully we can be friends?!

Let's just get to the million dollar question already --- I still do not know EXACTLY what I will be doing. I don't think Noga even has conrete things planned for me. You have to remember that the concept of an 'intern' is a very American thing and most Israeli's can't understand why someone would WANT to work FOR FREE?! (frankly - i don't blame them haha). But here is my impression - Noga is very ambitious and has a lot of ideas and things she wants to change/improve within the marketing/media department. I think that I will basically be working on various projects as they come along (and maybe even initiate a few of my own). For example, Noga mentioned a few things to me today, one of which is creating a 'tourism' section on the wikipedia 'israel' page. I'm on it! Already started doing some research, grabbed some reading material from the tourism library, and am looking into the whole wikipedia writing/editing process. I'm hoping to maybe get that done by the beginning of next week! so it's things like this and maybe even bigger and more important projects. we'll see - but i think/hope that all sorts of good things are on my horizon! (I also think its time to go the Kotel and start thanking the big man upstairs for all of this amazingness - haven't been there in a while anyways).

Tomorrow I am meeting Noga again (since I have yet to get my security badge - better to enter the building with her than without) and it will be my second day of work
:-D !!!

In other news - there really isn't much other news. Just going running, trying to get to know my new roomie (apparently he understands RUSSIAN!! WTF?!?! how am i going to talk shit about him now?!?! ahaha), and settle into things. I desperately need to go REAL grocery shopping. For now I have just been getting hummus, turkey slices, some fruits and bread. But now that I will be having a more stable schedule and my homelife has mellowed out - it's time to start making this house a home! I think Alex and I might go to the shuk at some point and just buy out the place. Starting from scratch isn't easy but it's definitely an adventure.


  1. Bella,

    All over your text I always see "ect", "ect", "ect", "ect".
    Unless you know something I don't it is:
    etc, etc, etc.


  2. Bella,

    I understand. English was not your first language.

